You Might Be Bad For Me Read Online W. Winters, Willow Winters

Categories Genre: Angst, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 213
Estimated words: 201920 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1010(@200wpm)___ 808(@250wpm)___ 673(@300wpm)

He doesn’t continue, but I know what he’s getting at. It’s best not to speak those things where others can hear.

“He’ll show. You know how he is.”

“He’s a pain in my ass.”

The corner of my lip kicks up at his comment. “So many things are a pain in your ass, Carter. It’s hard to believe you can sit down without wincing,” I joke as I watch Addison take a large drink from her coffee cup. It’s the tallest size the shop has and it looks like she’s almost done.

“You’re fucking hilarious, you know that?” I laugh at Carter’s comment even though he says it with disdain. He runs the family business now. What started as a way for my father to make extra cash became an empire formed from ruthless and cutthroat tactics. Carter’s the head, but I do his bidding more from a vague obligation that we’re blood than anything else.

“Are you coming home after this? As soon as this package arrives? There’s no reason for you to stay away and we need you here.”

Her name is on the tip of my tongue. Addison. I may deal in addiction, but she’s the only addiction I’ve ever had and the only one I desire.

“Well?” he presses.

“I’m curious about something,” I answer my brother.

“What’s that?”

“Something of personal interest,” I mutter and the words come out lower than I intend them to. He’s quiet for a long moment. And my focus is momentarily distracted. A man in a thin leather jacket walks past the coffee shop slowly, but his gaze is on Addison.

My eyes narrow as he stops in his tracks and glances inside the place. I shake off the possessive feelings. I’m only projecting.

Carter’s voice brings my attention back to him. “With that shit your friend Dean pulled, there’s too much heat around you.” He ignores my earlier comment and I decide it’s for the best. There’s no need for anyone to know what I’m doing.

I’m quick to answer him. “Which is exactly why I need to stay. Leaving would raise suspicion.”

A line of cars pass on the street in front of me, temporarily blocking Addison from my view. At their movement, she peeks up through the large glass windows of the shop.

Her hair brushes her shoulder and falls down her back as she takes a break to look out onto the street. Her pouty lips are turned down. They always are. There’s a sadness that’s always followed Addison. It’s only a matter of whether or not she’s trying to hide it, but it’s always there.

Her green eyes are deep and even from this distance they seem to darken. Her hand moves to the back of her neck, massaging away a dull ache from sitting there for hours now. With each breath, her chest rises and falls and I’m mesmerized by her. By all of her.

More so by what she does to me.

The hate and anger I felt toward her years ago has numbed into something else each minute I sit here.

Curiosity maybe.

“Just get the package from Marcus. You’ve been gone long enough and we could use you here.”

“I don’t know if I want to come back,” I tell him honestly and flatly.

“It’s not a matter of want,” he replies but his words come out hollow and with no authority although he wishes he had it. “We’re your blood.” He plays the only card he has that can get me to do his bidding.

“You never fail to remind me.”

My phone vibrates with a message and I’m more than happy to end this call.

“I’ve got to go.” My phone vibrates again. “I’ll update you when I can.” I don’t wait for him to acknowledge what I’ve said, let alone tell me goodbye. I’ve never been close to my brothers. Not like they are toward each other. I’m the black sheep, I suppose.

I crack my neck as my phone vibrates for a third time. Before checking it I glance back at Addison only to see she’s gone, although her laptop is still there. My heart stills and my body tenses until I see her by the counter, ordering something else.

Annoyance rises in me as I realize how much pull she has over me in this moment. I’ve turned back into what I hate. My teeth grit as I pull up my texts and that annoyance grows to an agitation that makes me grip the edge of the table to keep me from doing something stupid.

Three messages, each from Jake.

Marcus isn’t coming tonight. He said there are complications.

I have your girl’s number though if you want it.

And I think she’s coming here tonight.

Jake wants to die. That’s the only explanation. He literally wants me to kill his ass.

My glare moves from the cell phone in my hand back to the coffee shop across the street. Addison’s cardigan dangles loosely around her as she moves back to her spot. Her jeans are tight and I can just imagine how they’d feel against my hands as I ripped them off of her. It’d be difficult, but I would fucking love it.


