Zane and Tanya – Hot Alpha Alien Husbands Read online D.D. Prince

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 142
Estimated words: 134725 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 674(@200wpm)___ 539(@250wpm)___ 449(@300wpm)

He gestured to another bottle in front of him. It was shaped like a beer bottle, but larger, and the glass was black. There was no label on it, but instead it looked like symbols etched into the glass.

“Beer?” he offered.

“Oh. It is beer. No thank you, I’m not a beer drinker.”

“Have you tried Phallyx beer?” he teased.

“Um, you know I haven’t,” I returned, playfully, plopping down beside him. Close to him. As close as I could be without having climbed onto him, which was what I wished I had the nerve to do.

“Taste it. If you don’t like it, I’ll get you something else. Like Phallyx men and Phallyx bacon are superior, I’m betting our beer is superior, too.”

I snickered.

He held his bottle out to get me to sip it without handing it off.

I worried he’d give it too fast and I’d wind up with beer all over me, but decided to let him lead anyway.

I let him put the bottle to my mouth. As he slowly tilted it, his eyes were on me with a sexy gleam in them.

I felt the liquid hit my tongue. I swallowed.

“Nope. Yuck,” I informed him.

He pursed his lips. “Damn. Really?”

“Your beer tastes like beer,” I said.

He smiled. “As it should.”

I screwed my face up.

His lips were quickly on mine and I found that although I didn’t like the taste of beer, tasting it on Zane’s mouth was a different story.

Our eyes were locked as he pulled back an inch. I heard him set the bottle down and then he moved in again. In no time flat, I was flat on my back and he was leaned over me, kissing me.

I was still in my swimsuit and coverup, and then I was only in the swimsuit as he lifted the coverup over my head.

My swimsuit wasn’t flashy. It was just a one piece black one with ruching all over the place in a flattering way with a halter neck, criss-crossed straps from my mid-back to my lower back and high cut at the hips, but Zane ran his hands down my torso, examining it like he really liked it.

He was again wearing the clothes he’d worn before we swam, that silky blue dress shirt, those fitted dark suede pants. I hesitantly reached for the few buttons on his shirt and undid them, then shoved the shirt back off his shoulders and tentatively let my hands rove over his chest.

My fingers were trembling. I had to make them stop.

“Been wanting you all to myself all fucking day. Let's go to the bedroom. That okay?” he asked, looking directly into my eyes.

I nodded, trying to seem casual, inside thinking yes. Yes!

We were suddenly upright, he was grabbing the two beers, and I followed him to his room. He put them down on the table beside the bed and reached for the nourishment machine controls.

“What to drink, Tanya? Wine? Something stronger?”

“I’m not thirsty. Thank you.”

I didn’t want alcohol messing with my head tonight. Not after last night's fiasco and not with how critical it was that I stay focused on my goal.

“Something you’d like to do?” he asked with mischief brewing in his eyes. “We could watch a film, perhaps. I could teach you some Phallyxian parlor games.” He took my hand and grabbed one of the two beers, then led me toward the door to the sunken home theatre and I wanted to dig my heels in, shout NO and drag him to his bed and rip his pants off. He wanted to take me to his bedroom. I thought he meant bed, not the attached TV room.

Instead, I followed, chewing my lip.

“We could dance…” I suggested, thinking of an alternative for close contact.

“Dance? That hopping and jumping game you did with my son?” His eyes were dancing with humor.

“No. Just dancing. Slow dancing.”

Now he looked intrigued.

“If you get me access to the internet on Earth again and I can find something for us to dance to.”

“Actually, I have something that might help. Be right back.” He vanished and left me there.

I tried to fortify myself. I was standing there in a bathing suit he found sexy. I was about to dance with him, which meant lots of close body contact and if that didn’t lead to sex… I didn’t know what would.

He came back with a ghetto blaster and set it down on a table in front of the comfy couch and fumbled with a few knobs.

“This is from my Earth technology collection at the office, but Ollie wanted to bring it home. He's fascinated by your archaic technology. I’m trying to recall how to get it going.”

I leaned over and pressed the play button on the cassette. I could see a mixed tape in there. Holy cow. This ghetto blaster was as old as I was. Scratch that. Probably older.


