Bad Apple Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Uncertain Saints MC, #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Uncertain Saint's MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 71289 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 356(@200wpm)___ 285(@250wpm)___ 238(@300wpm)

The fact that I was driving meant this was pretty dire to me.

I’d gotten used to the fact that I shouldn’t be driving, but there was no way in hell I’d ever get a cab to take me across two county lines to the dentist.

Three hours later, and the fine new owner of a veneer for a front tooth, I made my way outside and up two blocks to the hospital.

No, I wasn’t thinking so clearly.

Had I been, I would’ve gone to the hospital first. Not to mention I wouldn’t have driven at all.

The first person I saw was a man about my age with a beautiful beard in gray scrubs.

“How can I help you?” He asked.

“I think I had a seizure,” I blurted.

His eyebrows rose.

“You think?” he asked.

I nodded.

“Name?” He continued, shrugging it off.

“Kitt Walker,” I said.

“Date of birth?”

The questions continued until he got to my explanation of what happened.

“When did this seizure happen?” He looked at me.

“Ummm,” I hesitated. “About three hours ago I guess?”

“You guess?” He spoke carefully.

I nodded.

“Uh-huh,” he said, turning back to his computer. “If you’ll just go have a seat in the waiting room, I’ll get someone with your shortly.”

I followed his directions and went to the plastic seats, choosing to go to the very end of the hall to where there were the least people coughing and crying.

I’d been sitting for over an hour and a half when I was finally called back.

At the same time my phone buzzed.

I pressed ignore as I walked to the pretty nurse who was holding a chart against her chest.

“Kitt Walker?” She asked.

I nodded.

“Follow me back,” she gestured with a clipboard, leading me not to the ER entrance, but a side door.

“We’re taking you to the minor,” she explained when she saw my questioning look.

I nodded and went along.

“Can you tell me what happened?” She pointed to the bed.

I nodded and held out my hand for her to take my blood pressure, then recounted the last couple of hours. Conveniently leaving out the part about me getting my tooth fixed first.

Priorities. I had them.

“Do you have a history of seizures?” She questioned as she pumped.

“Yes,” I grimaced. “I’ve had partial complex seizures since I was eight years old.”

She blinked.

“What medications do you take?” She continued.

I handed her the list of medications that I took and then said, “If you wouldn’t mind, I need to answer this before my brother sends out a search party.”

She nodded and took the list.

“I’m going to enter this into the computer and come back to draw some blood, okay?”

I nodded and answered.

“Where the hell are you?” Ridley asked with a shout.

“At the ER,” I explained. “I fell and hit my head.”

“It looks like you’ve trashed the living room,” he growled. “And there’s blood on the floor. Do you not think that warrants a telephone call, Kitt?”

I pinched my eyes shut and tried to count backwards from ten, but my brother had a way of getting under my skin.

“I’m sorry,” I said with false sweetness. “Next time I have a problem like this, I’ll be sure to clean up before I head to the hospital. And as a FYI, I did call. Twice. And I texted. Your lovely secretary answered and informed me that you were in on an important meeting.”

“I was eating lunch,” he grumbled. “And I came home to see if I could get you to wash my shirts. Two people spit and pissed on me today. I’ve gone through my two spare sets of clothes, meaning I have nothing to wear for tomorrow. Guess you can’t do that.”

“Guess you’ll have to figure out how to work the washing machine by yourself, big brother. I’m not quite sure how long I’ll be here,” I told him truthfully.

“Shit,” he growled, sounding annoyed. “I’m going to have someone drop me off there and I’ll drive you home, but I need to go to court. Are you sure you’re okay?”

I rolled my eyes.

We’d been there, done that. I knew the protocol. It’d be at least a couple of hours now, anyway. He had most likely until a little after five before I needed to be picked up, and the courthouse closed at four thirty.

“That’s fine,” I said. “I’ll be…”

“Ms. Walker?” A man’s voice cleared from the doorway.

“Gotta go, bro. Love you,” I said quickly, turning my attention to the cute doctor in front of me.

Something about him looked familiar, and I didn’t realize just what it was until he introduced himself.

“I’m Dr. Drew. The nurse said you had a seizure today,” he read from his chart.

Shivers raced down my spine at hearing that voice.

But it wasn’t his voice. It had to be his brother’s.

I studied him as he asked me questions.

Absently, I answered them, giving my full medical history while I studied his face and body.


