Bad Apple Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Uncertain Saints MC, #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Uncertain Saint's MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 71289 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 356(@200wpm)___ 285(@250wpm)___ 238(@300wpm)

“Honestly?” I hesitated.

She nodded.


“I’m trying to get into a club that my father thinks’ll be good for my PTSD and anger management,” I answered. “And to do that, I need to not piss off the members; for example, your brother.”

Her mouth thinned.

“My brother’s already let you know that he doesn’t like you. What’s sleeping with his sister going to change?” She bit out.

I paused, unsure how to answer that.

“Well…” on one hand she was correct. He wasn’t going to hate me any less if I slept with his sister.

I did find her attractive.

Extremely attractive.

She was gorgeous.

And I’m not talking in a girl next door kind of way. I’m talking about a ‘keep her locked down in baggy pants and a sweatshirt’ kind of way and still beat the men off with a stick.

She’d be hell on the heart, that was for sure.

Her long, black curly hair came to about mid back, and her porcelain white skin seemed almost luminescent under the light of the moon.

She had long legs that looked fucking superb in those tight jeans she had on, not to mention the black Jack Daniel’s t-shirt she was wearing, cut up in that fashion that women seemed to like nowadays, was only accentuating her curves.

And what little denial I tried to hang on to by the tips of my fingers slipped away, leaving only one thing on my mind.

I couldn’t pass this opportunity up.

Not after I’d been lusting after the woman for so long, even though she didn’t know that.

“You really want this?” I crowded her so close that she started backing up out of reaction.

She licked her lips, and then nodded.

“Yes,” she confirmed. “Or I wouldn’t have brought it up.”

“You know who I am?” He queried. “You’re not intoxicated and asking for things that you shouldn’t be asking for in this condition.”

She laughed in my face.

“Oh, honey. Now you’re just trying to think up an excuse to back out, aren’t you?” She mocked me.

I reached for her wrist and yanked her to me, pulling her so hard and fast that she had no other recourse but to slam up against me.

“Does it feel like I want to back out?” I asked her, grinding my cock against her leg.

She licked her lips, eyes flared, and shook her head.

“Nope,” she said almost casually, even though her breaths were coming in shallow pants, clearly showing me she was anything but not affected.

“What is it you want from me?” I pushed her, letting my breath play over her lips.

We were so close that the irises of her eyes looked like huge pools of liquid green, and when she went to lick her lips, her tongue brushed my lips.

My eyes flared, and hers seemed to absolutely melt, desire filling up those liquid depths.

“I want your cock,” she breathed, leaning herself forward until our lips brushed. “But you already know that.”

“Nothing else?” I asked.

She shook her head.

I smiled then and went to work on the button of her jeans.

The thing about our neighborhood was that we were in a fairly secluded area.

The Caddo River was a little over half a mile away from my place, which was at the end of the road.

There were only four other houses on this street, and Kitt’s was the second to last one, next to mine.

Meaning, there was going to be no one else coming by here for quite a while.

I also didn’t have to worry about her brother coming home, because I was supposed to be at the clubhouse early for a meeting.

The others were staying the night.

Me being the prospect meant I didn’t get the opportunity to do that.

I was expected to leave late, be there early, and be on time.

Something that I’d already failed at today, but with this woman in my arms, at this moment in time, I found myself not caring quite so much.

She inhaled quickly when my cold fingers met the warm skin of her belly.

Her eyes showed no reluctance as I unbuttoned, then unzipped, her jeans.

And, all the while, her eyes stayed connected to mine, I let my fingers slip into the gap in her pants, nearly inhaling my tongue when I felt how wet she was.

The lips of her sex were drenched, and I knew instantly that this wasn’t something that’d just started happening. She had to have been wanting it all night.

“How long have you wanted this?” I whispered, walking her back until her knees met the bumper of Ridley’s truck.

She leaned back and bit her lip, letting me know without words what I’d already suspected.

My fingers delved between the lips of her sex, sliding down with little effort until I met her entrance.

A whimper escaped her throat when I plunged my middle finger inside.

My cock jumped at the way her tight pussy clutched at my finger, and I just knew that when I got my cock inside of her, it’d feel fucking divine.


