Bad Apple Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Uncertain Saints MC, #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Uncertain Saint's MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 71289 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 356(@200wpm)___ 285(@250wpm)___ 238(@300wpm)

“I don’t see that happening any time soon. Plus, I thought we discussed this. That you were it for me,” I told him gently, taking a seat on the bed when my noodle leg started to shake from the exertion of standing up for so long.

He turned his head to look at me, then turned back to the wall where he was staring as he paced.

“Why do you think I’m still here?” He questioned. “I made you a promise, and even though I think that promise was stupid on your part, I’ll stay. Because you asked me to. And because I’m too selfish to go.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose again.

“Have you been taking your meds?” I tilted my head slightly, seeing where this was going.

He looked over at me sharply.

“I…ran out.” he confessed. “I have to go get them refilled.”

I sighed in exasperation.

“You’re stupid,” I grunted. “Jesus Christ, you can’t just stop taking those. They’re making you better.”

He shrugged.

“I’ve been too busy.”

Because of me. And Emily.

“I gotta go,” I picked up my clothes from the floor and dropped them on the bed.

Before I could tell him that he was leaving with me, though, Apple was on me, turning me over onto my back and following me down.

“You’re not leaving me,” he declared. “You’re mine. And I never let go of what’s mine.”

I blinked.

“I wasn’t letting you go,” I cupped his face. “You were coming with me.”

He blinked, his beautiful eyes staring deeply into mine.

“I’m not ready to leave just yet.” His voice dropped.

“Then what are you ready to do?” I asked breathlessly.

He ground his erection between my legs, and I blinked at him, then asked cheekily. “You want to dance?”

He growled and reached a hand between us to unbutton and unzip his pants.

Shoving them down, and then kicking them off completely, he came up to his haunches between my legs, and then pushed his erection down on top of my slit.

I arched when his length touched my clit, and then started to moan when he thrust his hips, letting the length rub against me. Coating himself in my juices that’d accumulated while I’d been watching his beautiful body chop wood.

“You’re ready for me,” he observed, bringing his hand that was now covered in the essence of me up to his lips.

Then his tongue slipped out between those perfectly white teeth and he licked his hand clean.

“Jesus Christ,” he groaned. “You taste so good.”

My eyes went molten as I spread my legs wider.

“Fuck me,” I ordered him.

He leaned down and positioned his erection at my entrance, then slowly slid inside.

“Oh, God,” I whispered, my eyes closing as he filled me. “You feel bigger.”

He chuckled darkly as he bent forward and captured my lips with his.

“Not bigger,” he promised. “You’re just tighter.”

“I don’t know why…or how,” I admitted, eyes closing as his strokes started to pick up in speed.

His hands moved to capture my thighs, hooking the backs of my knees over his forearms, as he pulled out and then slammed inside.

I squeaked in surprise as he hit bottom, inside of me.

“Good or bad?” He slowed.

“Good,” I panted. “Hurry. Faster. Now.”

He growled in approval and started the same rhythm back up. All the way out until his cock rested at my entrance, then he thrust inside so fast and hard that I could barely breathe.

The oxygen deprivation was perfectly fucking acceptable, though. At that moment in time, I wouldn’t have noticed a damn thing was happening to me because my body was too focused on what he was doing between my legs.

Between one thrust and the next I was coming, bursting apart into a million tiny pieces of Kitt, as my orgasm took hold.

My eyes closed, as well as crossed, as I felt him stiffen inside of me.

His cock twitched, and I was only aware just enough to hear him curse as his warmth bathed my insides.

My pussy clenched as I came with him, my breath coming in short pants.

Needless to say, the previous couple of minutes went about as I’d intended them to—only earlier. I now had him exactly where I wanted him.


Sadly, life had a way of intervening into our perfect world as reality came back.

We were lying in the bed, panting and about ready to pass out from the exertion, when I said the words that I didn’t know Apple needed to hear.

“I want to get married.”

“Just say when, and I’ll be there,” he declared. “Do you want your ring now or after we go to the store to refill my prescription?”

I laughed at him.

“Now. Then we need to go do that. And you need to not run out again,” I said. “What would you say if I did the same thing?”

He growled at me.

“Point taken.”

I smiled.

Then we went to the store, where we both refilled our prescriptions.


