Bad Apple Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Uncertain Saints MC, #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Uncertain Saint's MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 71289 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 356(@200wpm)___ 285(@250wpm)___ 238(@300wpm)

The first person I found, as I made my way down to the parking lot, was a cop I’d never met before.

“The woman,” I snapped without preamble. “She is mine.”

The cop’s shrewd dark eyes studied me, took in my cut and scars, then nodded his head.

All the while, I was seconds away from shaking him to get him to speak faster. I needed answers.

“Go on over there,” he pointed to the back of the lot. “I’m just crowd control. The person you need to speak with is Officer Lyons.”

I nodded my head and jogged to the back of the lot where I’d parked, sweat from the pain I was going through popping out all over my arms and face.

“Yo,” the city cop that was directly next to the police line stopped me. “You can’t come over here. Give it a few minutes and we’ll release the vehicles to be moved.”’

“I don’t give a fuck about my vehicle right now. I want to know who took my woman,” I said through gritted teeth. “I need to know what you know.”

“She your wife? Black hair down to her backside? Black tee and jeans?” he asked.

I nodded, the confirmation that it was in fact Kitt who’d been taken burning a hole in my gut.

“Yeah,” I croaked. “That’s her. Not my wife. Fiancé.”

Well, she wasn’t really that since I hadn’t officially given her a ring yet. But she was mine. She was my old lady. Something I hadn’t officially asked her to be, either. But I was planning on it. I just hadn’t found a way to do it, yet.

I’d been too scared of her answer to do so just yet.

But now I was kicking myself for not asking her. Now it might be too late.

The sound of pipes had my heartbeat slowing, and I looked to the side to see Griffin and Wolf swing off their bikes.

They had offices that were right on the edge of the city limits. It wasn’t a surprise that they were the first to arrive.

Marshall was only about a fifteen-minute ride if you went the speed limit, and I highly doubt either of them went the speed limit.

I turned back to the cop in front of me, then my eyes went to the truck where I could see Kitt’s set of keys laying on the ground, partially under the truck.

“What do you know?” I asked him.

“Witnesses say they saw a white male around the age of thirty-five or forty approach the woman from behind and cover her mouth with something, and the woman collapsed. She only got two screams out before she went limp, but she caught the attention of two elderly women who saw her being dragged into an older model navy blue Chevy Blazer. The Blazer II, not the full size,” the cop explained.

Something sparked in my memory, and I closed my eyes and tried to trace that line.

No one interrupted me, but I could hear Wolf and Griffin asking questions of the officer as I thought, and then my heart started to pound.

“There was a smaller sized Chevy Blazer on our street today as I was leaving,” I said. “Had a woman and a man in the front seat. Fits your description of thirty-five or forty. Our house has cameras and we can confirm. Was the feed pulled from the lot?” I asked the cop.

Another officer sauntered up, this one not in uniform, but plain clothes.

“Feed doesn’t cover this lot. It’s technically an overflow lot that’s not owned by the hospital, but the city. Which means we don’t have anything to pull,” the plain clothes cop said.

My teeth gritted, and I turned to Wolf.

“Ridley has cameras set up outside and in. They run twenty-four seven and are monitored by a company that’s out of Kilgore. Ridley shut off everything inside the house, but the stuff outside was left on because he liked the idea of having some security while he was gone,” I told him. “You got anybody that could check that for us?”

Wolf nodded and paced a few feet away so he could make the call, and I turned to Griffin.

“You think you can get your woman up here to come get Emily?” I asked.

Griffin nodded and pulled his phone out of his pocket, walking away as well.

I turned back to the plain clothes.

“You have a BOLO out on the vehicle?” I asked.

A BOLO was a ‘be on the lookout’ alert for law enforcement, notifying them to watch for a particular vehicle or person as the case may be. So every cop in the area would be looking for this Blazer and my woman now.

“What about…” I stopped and turned when he pointed at something over my left shoulder.

“We have a woman in the ER across the street they found on the road about five miles South of here. She’s telling some wild things, but there’s a blue Chevy Blazer involved in this one, too. She’s wanting to talk to a man named Apple.”


