Beyond the Badge – Nox (Blue Avengers MC #6) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Dark, MC, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Blue Avengers MC Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 133
Estimated words: 131888 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 659(@200wpm)___ 528(@250wpm)___ 440(@300wpm)

“Am I wrong?” When he didn’t answer, she released a stilted laugh. “I’ve never worked so hard to convince a man to sleep with me. You’re going to put a hurting on my self-esteem.”

“Can’t imagine anything would mess with your self-esteem.”

“All right…” She released his shirt and took a step back. “My intention wasn’t to pressure you and I don’t want to do that, so… You have a nice weekend, Nox. I hope it’s a peaceful one for you.” It was difficult, but she managed to keep the disappointment from her tone. “Be safe.”

Without waiting for a response, she turned and strode across the yard, keeping her ears open in case he called out to stop her.

He didn’t.

When her father told her he was taking the kids for the weekend, she had looked forward to some alone time.

Between her family, immediate and extended, her business and the group, she rarely got time to herself unless the kids went to visit their grandparents, be it Mark’s parents, her mother’s home or her father’s.

Unless an emergency came up at the office, she didn’t plan on going in at all this weekend. Instead, she looked forward to kicking her feet up, drinking a glass or two or even a bottle of wine and watching some movies the boys refused to watch with her. Or she’d lose herself in a good book.

She wasn’t going to do any chores around the house, either. This weekend was supposed to be a little staycation.

But then Nox showed up out of the blue and it made her think a change of plans were in order. Her staycation could potentially turn into a playcation.

Because of her boys, she never invited men over. Hell, she rarely even went on dates. Jason had left a sour taste in her mouth when it came to men. Now she was extremely cautious.

Some women followed the “I don’t have sex on the first date” rule. Liyah was more like, “I don’t have sex on the first ten dates.”

That weeded out most men.

Actually, it weeded them all out.

She loved sex. She did.

But because of the policy she set into place, she rarely got to date number eleven.

Despite his issues—which she had a good understanding of—she liked Nox.

He was different than the rest and, for some reason, she felt completely comfortable around him. It wasn’t because of anything he said or did.

It was just how it was. She couldn’t explain it.

And crazy enough, she had felt the same way the first time she met Mark.

She knew Mark was “her person” within minutes. Of course, she didn’t tell him that because he probably would’ve thought she was crazy. Even though she was ten years younger than him, she had asked him out for a drink.

He was not only amused by her boldness but impressed. Because of that, he said yes.

The rest was history.

But Mark was now gone, and she no longer had anyone to be intimate with.

No one to share those special moments.

Or to text when she thought of something funny.

To call simply to tell him she loved him.

To bake for.

To love.

Fuck. Nox had stirred up something she thought she had gotten over.

Her loneliness.

Because she was constantly surrounded by people, the deep loneliness that came after losing your soulmate was drowned out.

After all these years, she thought she was okay.

She was not.

She needed a connection.

Not with her children. Not with her family. Not with her friends or employees.

With a man.

Someone to touch her, kiss her, whisper into her ear. Make her pussy clench, her nipples pebble, her lips part, her breathing shallow, and goosebumps to break out all over her skin. Make heat swirl through her. Cause her to moan.

Make her come.

Someone she would miss when he was gone. Content when he wasn’t.

Deep down she knew that person wasn’t Nox.

But that didn’t mean they couldn’t share a moment.

With the way he acted, she knew he hadn’t had sex in at least two years. It was close to the same amount of time for her.

So, what harm would there be in enjoying each other’s company? For a night? Or a few hours? Even for thirty heart-pounding minutes?


It wouldn’t involve deep conversations and sharing of secrets.

It would strictly be about sex.

They would both get something out of it.

And maybe it would spur him to realize there was life after loss.

She risked a quick glance back before she closed the door.

He was still standing next to the tree. He hadn’t headed to his bike to leave. He hadn’t even moved.

He only stared toward her house. At her.

His head and heart were once again warring with each other.

She had no doubt that he wanted her. Only he was trying his fucking damnedest to resist it.

He no longer needed to resist. She would make the decision easy for him.

She closed the door.

And locked it.


