Beyond the Badge – Nox (Blue Avengers MC #6) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Dark, MC, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Blue Avengers MC Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 133
Estimated words: 131888 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 659(@200wpm)___ 528(@250wpm)___ 440(@300wpm)

“So do I,” Finn said.

“Rez would also like a word,” Nox added.

“Let’s not forget that T-Bone isn’t our main focus,” Crew reminded them. “Personal vendettas could screw our investigation.”

“Says the man who didn’t have his woman kidnapped,” Decker grumbled.

“Or have his woman battered around,” Finn added.

“Again, Rez would like a word,” Nox repeated.

“That’s because Crew doesn’t have a woman,” Fletch explained.

Finn snorted.

“Wait. Why is Ginger Snap snorting like that? What am I missing?” Fletch asked.

“Nothing,” Crew rushed to answer. “They’re just being their normal dick selves and making shit up.”

“What shit? This doesn’t have to do with the new team member sleeping in my bed, does it?”

Crew leaned over and ended the call before anyone could answer Fletch’s last question.

Finn smirked. “Why’d you do that? You don’t have anything to hide, right?”

“We have work to do.” Crew raised his eyebrows and repeated more firmly, “We all have work to do. So, let’s get it done.”

“The lady doth protest too much,” Nox quoted.

“Where’s that from? I’ve heard that before.”

“It’s called Shakespeare,” Nox told Finn.

“You are quoting Shakespeare?”

“Unlike you, I read,” Nox answered.

“You read Shakespeare?” Decker asked.

“Damn, you’re weird,” Finn said as he headed back to where he’d been working.

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Nox called out.

“You do that.”

Decker also wandered away, but Crew remained.

“Do you think that’s him?” Nox kept his question low.

“I don’t know. They want numbers on their side, especially if they have to take the Russos or one of the other MCs head on, so I don’t put anything past those bikers. Maybe he begged for forgiveness, and they were generous with him. Maybe he lied his ass off and they believed him over a stripper. Or it’s more than likely not him and it’s someone who looks similar. Sometimes those scumbags all look alike. Who fucking knows? Fletch will find out.”

“And if it is him?”

Crew glanced over his shoulder before answering. “I’m going to tell Fletch to let me know first. I’ll decide what to do with that information once I have it. I really don’t want our brothers getting involved in vigilante justice.”

“Well-deserved justice,” Nox reminded Crew.

“Not arguing that. I know they want their pound of flesh, but we need to do this above board and not fuck up almost two years of work.”

“Hear that,” Nox murmured.

“If you can positively ID him in the footage, let me know first.”

“Will do.” He didn’t like it, but Crew was the task force leader. And both of them didn’t want their BAMC brothers doing anything that would put them in a jam. Or fuck up all the hard work—not to mention, long hours— they’ve put into this investigation.

The AUSA wouldn’t be happy about that, either.

“Don’t you have a meeting tonight?” Crew asked.

He mmm’d.

“Everything going good with them?”

Nox mmm’d again.

“Are they helping?”

He stopped scrolling through the video and shot him a look.

Crew threw his hands up. “Fine. I won’t ask, Hard Nox. As long as you’re going,” and headed over to Torres.

Nox hadn’t planned on going tonight.

Or next week.

Or even the week after.

Actually, he planned on never going again.

Not only because he couldn’t face her.

Not only because he was struggling to accept what he did.

But because he didn’t want to be tempted to do it again.

Unfortunately, he’d thought of nothing but her since Friday night.

When he closed his eyes, he pictured her beautiful ass as he fucked her. He heard her as she came. He remembered the scent of her arousal and how slick she became.

Once again, he heard her saying that, like him, it had been a while since she’d had sex with anyone.

At one time, they had worn the same shoes. Only Liyah had hers resoled, while his still had gaping holes. He knew he needed to repair his so he could get back to walking comfortably. But he avoided handing them over to be fixed because he was afraid that, by the time he got them back, he’d forget how they used to feel.

When they had been comfortable and fit perfectly.

He closed his eyes and breathed.

But when he did so, a replay of what happened in Liyah’s bedroom against her French doors once again played on the back of his eyelids.

He knew fucking her would be dangerous.

He was right.

When his phone vibrated on the desk, he opened his eyes and saw his alarm going off.

If he was going to go tonight, he would need to head out now so he could grab something to eat on the way.

If he was going to go.


He shook his head and frowned.

Chapter Twenty

He waited until the meeting had already started before quietly slipping through the door and finding the nearest empty seat.

Unfortunately, that seat was next to Liyah.

The person talking only hesitated for a second, then continued as Nox rounded the circle to the other side and slid into the hot seat.


