Damnable Grace Read Online Tillie Cole (Hades Hangmen #5)

Categories Genre: Biker, Crime, Dark, Drama, MC, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Hades Hangmen Series by Tillie Cole

Total pages in book: 144
Estimated words: 130761 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 654(@200wpm)___ 523(@250wpm)___ 436(@300wpm)

It took all of about three seconds for his words to sink through the noise straight into my head. “Just hacked an email between him and my brother. He’s on the hunt for whoever took his bitch.” He paused. “He’s on the hunt for you.”

“Fuck,” I spat, feeling every ounce of blood in my body ignite into flames.

“Beau told him he didn’t know any of you on the list. I checked the rest of Meister’s server. It didn’t take him long to suspect the Hangmen. Turns out Judah told him all about us. And though it never came from Phebe’s mouth, Meister knows Phebe’s sister is here.” He shook his head. “He knows she’s married to the VP.” He glanced across at Ky, who was watching us like a damn hawk. “He’s gonna come looking.”

“I don’t give a fuck how militarized they are, that gang of rednecks ain’t no match for the Hangmen. Especially when Styx and Ky find out. We’ll have reinforcements here within hours.”

“I agree. Just wanted you to know. Meister referenced you. Carson. He knows you’re an ex-sniper, and the fucker is using every Marine contact he has to work out who the fuck you are. And that cunt is thorough.”

“I know. I fucking met him, remember?” My eyes fell to the outside door. “Go tell Ky and Styx. They’ll figure this shit out.”

Tanner took off across the room. As I reached the back door, Hush and Cowboy were walking through.

Cowboy turned his head in the direction of the bar, and a fucking huge grin spread across his face. “Fuckin’ A,” he purred in his strong Cajun accent. “Got a huge boner for a fight tonight.” Cowboy and his Stetson disappeared into the crowd.

Hush tipped his head toward me. “Ain’t sure, but I’m thinking the bitch we got out of the Klan is in the alley ’bout to fuck some cunt.”

Fire lit in my stomach, and I was out the door quicker than I’d ever fucking moved in my life. Red clouded my eyes—all day, fucking red. My lungs worked hard as I breathed in the warm air and my eyes tracked every part of the alley.

And then I heard it.

That fucking high-pitched moan that had kept me hard for forty-eight hours straight. And that breathy sigh that the bitch made as she’d put her fingers in her cunt and worked herself over until she came.

I slipped my hand into my back pocket, pulled out my switchblade and snapped it ready in my hand. I walked slowly into the alley, all stealth. The light from the clubhouse cast a perfect light on them but kept me hidden in the darkness.

I saw Phebe’s red head slide down the bastard’s body toward the floor. I watched as the bitch looked up at him with those same fuck-me eyes she’d used on me. And I watched, anger building inside me like fucking hellfire. The prick reached into his jeans and pulled out his cock. He pushed forward as Phebe put on her little show. Then his hand was in her hair and he was wrenching her forward. Phebe didn’t even cry out as his fingers almost tore her hair from its roots. The bitch just opened her mouth, waiting for his dick.

And that was all I could fucking take.

I rushed forward and slammed my shoulder into the prick who had his dick just an inch from Phebe. I tackled the shit to the floor and pounded my fist into his ugly face. The fat shit grunted and tried to throw a punch back. I laughed in his face as I dodged it and raised my switchblade high for him to see. He paled, and I stepped back off his body.

A look of relief appeared on his face. What the fucker didn’t know was that I lived for the chase.

He struggled to get up off the ground. One hand scrambled forward as the other fought to stuff his tiny cock back into his jeans. He glanced back, and the relief turned into terror as he saw me stalking slowly toward him.

I laughed.

Leaning down, enjoying seeing the piece of shit trying to get out of the alley, I took my blade and slashed one swipe across his Achilles. The shitbag screamed and clutched his ankle. He looked me in the face. “Messed with the wrong bitch, fucker,” I taunted.

“She wasn’t wearing a ‘property’ cut. Told me she wasn’t with no brother,” he tried to argue, but his words only burned my piss more.

“She ain’t free,” I snarled, not even conscious of the words that came from my lips. Then, driven by an old demon I kept locked the fuck away for everyone’s sake, I drew my blade down and sliced through the hamstring of his other leg. The fucker screamed again. But I didn’t stop. Now that I’d started I couldn’t fucking stop. I’d let this feeling become lost deep inside me, locked away. But the thought of this fucker’s hand on Phebe’s head and his cock approaching her mouth had set the fury free.


