Damnable Grace Read Online Tillie Cole (Hades Hangmen #5)

Categories Genre: Biker, Crime, Dark, Drama, MC, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Hades Hangmen Series by Tillie Cole

Total pages in book: 144
Estimated words: 130761 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 654(@200wpm)___ 523(@250wpm)___ 436(@300wpm)

I punched his face, over and over, until his face was mangled and my knuckles were split. “Please,” he begged through his coughs. But I just laughed again. Taking hold of his greasy dark hair, I wrenched his head off the ground and brought my blade to his throat. I stared into his eyes and smelled the familiar scent of piss as the coward wet his pants.

The blade pressed into his skin. I was about to strike when two sets of footsteps ran into the alley. “Man down!” I heard Hush shout.

“Why the fuck you trying to end this saleau, mon frère?” Cowboy bent down and lifted the peak of his Stetson to study the future corpse below me. “Whew!” he whistled. “’Bout one swipe from meeting the boatman, hey, mon ami?”

My teeth were clenched together as I held the asshole by his collar. Someone called my name. It was Hush. “Let us take him for you,” he offered. I shook my head, needing to finish this shit’s life right now. But when Hush leaned in closer and said, “Your bitch just entered the bar again. She’s on the hunt for cock, it looks like,” I fucking broke.

I rose with a frustrated growl, dropping the guy to the ground. I tucked my blade back into my pocket and made my way back to the door. I turned to my Cajun brothers. “Dump him or kill him. But if he’s here when I get back, I’ll finish what I started. And I won’t be as kind as I was gonna be.”

People sometimes wondered why Flame, Vike and I were called the Psycho Trio. Vike had his own shit to deal with. Flame? One look at that fucker and it spoke for itself. And me? That asshole right there on the floor, hamstring cut and bleeding out, was why I earned that name. But most of my brothers had no idea of the fucked-up shit I’d done in my past. No idea what kind of shit I could still do. What half the time I wanted to do. And that right there was the true nature of a psychopath: committing an act and having fuck all remorse for the shit you’ve done.

I threw the bar door open and stepped inside. The place was a mess—the aftermath of the fight. The non-brothers had been cleared the fuck out, which gave me a perfect view of Red . . . and the sight cut me even deeper than the shit I just saw outside.


Motherfucking Vike!

My legs shook as I stood in the doorway watching Phebe sitting on Vike’s knee at the bar. Her arm was draped over his shoulders, and she was laughing. But it was Vike’s hand that I was looking at. His fucking huge hand was braced on the bottom of her back, her fucking bare back, inching closer to her ass.

Fueled by the anger I’d unleashed outside, I let it take the lead. I stormed across the room, ignoring the sound of Ky calling my name. I grabbed hold of Phebe’s arm and yanked her from Vike’s lap. She cried out in surprise as I shoved her behind me. Vike leaped to his feet, his fuck-off smile beaming right down at me. But I wasn’t seeing my friend right then. I was just seeing his fucking hand on Phebe’s back, her arm around his shoulders.

Seeing fucking red.

I slammed my hands against his chest, and the giant stumbled back. “What the fuck?” he spat, the smile sliding from his face.

“Keep the fuck off her!” I snarled. Vike’s eyes were wide as he glared at me. But I wasn’t done. I came at him again, grabbing his collar and pulling him close to me. “Keep your motherfucking hands off her, or I swear to God you won’t be no brother of mine anymore.”

A hand landed on my shoulder, and I spun round. Flame was there, dark eyes wide and nostrils flaring. I wrestled his hand from me and stormed toward Phebe. I didn’t even give her a chance to react, just took her arm and dragged her from the bar. I passed Ash, whose face was bright white. “Keys,” I demanded as Phebe tried to pull away from me. I held on tight to the bitch. She was pissing me the fuck off.

Ash handed me the keys to the truck, and I left the clubhouse with the whore in tow. I heard the sound of Lilah’s and Mae’s panicked voices. I heard Ky trying to come after me. “AK!” he shouted as I reached my truck. I opened the passenger side door and threw Phebe’s almost-naked ass into the seat. I slammed the door and moved around the hood to the driver’s side. “AK!” Ky shouted again. I rounded on him, prepped for another fucking fight. The VP was looking at me weird. He gave me a wide berth. Good fucking choice. “Where the fuck you think you’re going with her, brother?”


