Dragon’s Omega Bride Read online Sky Winters (Shifter Marriage Service #3)

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: Shifter Marriage Service Series by Sky Winters

Total pages in book: 58
Estimated words: 54509 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 273(@200wpm)___ 218(@250wpm)___ 182(@300wpm)

“Yes, she is. A real beauty and I hear that congratulations are in order.”

“They are. Thank you.”

“I hate that I missed the wedding of one of my best men in the clan, but I suppose that is how you kids do it these days, huh? Forget the big fancy weddings. Just run of and tie the knot at some little chapel or on a beach somewhere. I wish we had done that when I married. It was a nightmare.”

“What was a nightmare?” another voice suddenly chimed in.

Aileen looked up to see it was Kevin and his bimbo fiancée, Selina. He was grinning broadly in his hugely fake way of trying to appear gregarious.

“My wedding. It was like that monstrosity that you two are planning,” the leader told Kevin. “All that money and all that time spent and for what? Some nice photos and a slice of cake in the face at the reception? I think eloping is definitely the way to go these days. You could learn a thing or two from these two.”

“How so?” Kevin asked, seeming confused.

“Oh, you didn’t hear yet? We’ll be announcing it a bit more formally a bit later, but we got married last weekend,” Yakov told him with a huge grin.

It was almost laughable trying to watch Kevin maintain the enormous fake smile on his face. His bimbo was even worse at feigning happiness for them than he was, her face turning to stone right before their eyes.

“Well, congratulations then. Of course, I doubt this changes anything regarding the best man to take over the clan.”

He was direct. Aileen had to give him that.

“It changes everything,” the leader said, motioning to the woman standing behind him. She grabbed hold of the handles on her wheelchair and began rolling him away as he said a quick goodbye to them. “We’ll talk again soon. I’ve got to go take my meds if I’m going to last through at least most of this event.”

“Kevin, are you ready for your speech?” a man asked from the platform beside them.

Kevin looked at him as if he wasn’t there and then climbed the steps to take the microphone from his hand. He made a somewhat long, well-rehearsed speech that was full of pomp and circumstance but very little substance. It was the kind of speech that sounded good, but if anyone really paid attention to what was being said, they would find it empty and valueless.

Once he was done, the other man introduced Yakov, who kissed him on the cheek for all to see and then climbed the steps to take the stand. He smiled out over the crowd and then tapped the mic.

“Is this thing on or did Kevin break it with that long-winded speech? I don’t know about you all but I need a nap!”

The crowd roared with laughter. A sideways glance toward Kevin and Selina showed them both gritting their teeth and trying to appear good-natured. Kevin continued with his speech, an upbeat call to all members of the clan to vote their conscience. When he was done, he turned toward Aileen, holding out his hand and inviting her up onto the platform. She wasn’t sure what it was about, but she went up and stood beside him, smiling at all the people who had gathered before them.

“As many of you may have already heard, I turned in my bachelor’s license this weekend and eloped with this incredible woman by my side,” he said.

The applause was deafening, which seem to annoy Kevin, who had received only polite clapping during his speech. Once it settled down, Yakov continued.

“What you may not have heard is that the spirits that rule this Earth smiled upon us and wasted no time in providing us with the gift of life. We are so excited to share our good news with you. As confirmed by the good doctor Curtis only a short time ago, we are expecting our first children shortly before the New Year.”

The roar went up again, a mixture of clapping and catcalls that seemed it would go on forever if Yakov hadn’t held up his hands to ask for quiet.

“In closing, I just want to say to you all that I will work hard for the people of this clan, just as my ancestors did in their capacity as the Alpha leader. I am looking forward to stepping into the footsteps of such great men as those who have represented this clan. If you see fit to elect me, just know that every single decision I make will be with nothing but your best interests at heart.”

The applause began again and continued as he stepped off the stage and began shaking people’s hands. Many shook Aileen’s hand as well. Though it was on a much smaller level than holding many public offices in America, Aileen couldn’t help but think this is what it must be like for the first ladies of many offices and the handful of first men. She felt just a slight tug of remorse that she would never be able to fully embrace the public service that Yakov might soon embark upon.


