Dragon’s Omega Bride Read online Sky Winters (Shifter Marriage Service #3)

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: Shifter Marriage Service Series by Sky Winters

Total pages in book: 58
Estimated words: 54509 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 273(@200wpm)___ 218(@250wpm)___ 182(@300wpm)

Three hours later, the outgoing leader was on a side platform waiting to announce results. Yakov seemed on pins and needles, as did she. Losing this election would be devastating to him and would change their plans drastically. With there no longer being a need for him to put up a front about being married, they would end their farce much earlier. Each of them could go ahead and get on with their individual lives, just joining forces when necessary in the rearing of their children.

It was quite possible that Aileen was as nervous as he. Though this was destined to come to an end, she had hoped it would be after she had given birth. That wasn’t something she wanted to deal with alone and even though Yakov would be with her, he might not be there when she went into labor. She would have to call him, wait, and when all was done, she would have to come home and deal with the children she birthed. A part of her was excited, but another was absolutely terrified.

“My fellow clansmen,” a gentleman she recognized as the leader’s personal assistant said from the platform, waiting until everyone settled before continuing. “Due to the state of our leader’s health, he has had to take to his bed and will not be able to deliver the proper turnover to his successor. Instead, it will be my great pleasure to read you the speech that was prepared for this event in his place.”

There was silence, as everyone gave him their rapt attention.

“My family, my clan. I’m so glad that all of you could come here tonight to say your farewells to me as I hand over the reins to a man I deem most fitting to lead you into the light of tomorrow. I know that each of you have weighed your choices carefully and voted your heart. Both men were excellent choices, but only one can take the helm of this great clan. I am so honored to have served you for all of these years and I regret that I cannot continue. So, let me be the first to congratulate the new leader that will pick up and run with where I have left off.”

Everyone waited anxiously for the announcement. Aileen could see the anticipation on the faces of even those who weren’t in line for the throne. Yakov, who was holding her hand for appearances sake, squeezed it tightly. It seemed like an almost involuntarily expression of his own anticipation.

“It is my great pleasure to tell you that the new leader of this great clan will be someone you are all well acquainted with and a man whose character is beyond reproach.”

Aileen saw Kevin draw in his breath sharply and straighten his tie, obviously prepared to take the stage to accept the ceremonial handing over of the amulet that had been passed down from dragon leader to dragon leader over the years.

“Please join me in a grand round of applause for your new dragon leader, Yakov Seputre! It is ever so beautiful to see the leadership of this clan returned to its rightful bloodline.”

There was a deafening roar of clapping from everyone gathered about the stage. Yakov stood frozen for a moment, until a fellow shifter pushed him forward a little and laughed.

“Get going, Yakov. You’ve got a destiny to fulfill!”

Yakov broke free and made his way to the stage, pulling Aileen along with him as he went. They took the stage together and walked toward the leader’s representative. Yakov knelt down and allowed him to put the amulet around his neck and accepted the microphone from his hand before giving him a powerful hug. There were smiles all around.

Now, it was Yakov’s turn to speak, not as a candidate trying to win their affection, but as their new Alpha leader. His plan had worked. His strategy of faking a marriage and then announcing it right before the election for those who didn’t already know had been risky, but had paid off. Getting her pregnant had been accidental, but it had played its own part in it. Neither could deny that fact.

“I cannot tell you how much this means to me. I didn’t expect to be here, standing here in front of you, as your new leader, but it’s nothing short of wonderful. This has been an incredible week for me and this is just the icing on the cake. I’ve been incredibly lucky this year to find a woman who is not only beautiful, but intelligent, witty and perfectly willing to kick my ass if I don’t keep my crap together.”

A loud cheer went up from the crowd, with more than a healthy dose of laughter. Yakov smiled and let them clap, holding his and her hands up, clasped together for effect and waiting for them to settle back down a bit.


