The Confession – Unbroken – Heavenly Rising Read Online Shayla Black

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 130159 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 651(@200wpm)___ 521(@250wpm)___ 434(@300wpm)

She shook her head. “He and Connor asked me to meet Zach. I like him.”

That was good to hear, but who the hell was Jack planning to fuck tonight? Not his problem. “He likes you, too.”

Kaitlyn blushed. “They said he was different.”

That was one way of putting it. “Yeah. Listen, do you know how to put a condom on a guy?”

She blinked as if the question surprised her, but finally gave him a little nod.

Thank fuck. “My brother is…rusty. If you two get naked, will you help him with that?”

Her face softened. “The twins said he just lost his wife. That’s so sad. I want to comfort him.”

With her pussy? Perfect. “He could use that. Thanks.”

She nodded and headed back toward the door, where she kicked off her high-heeled sandals. Beck turned his attention to Zach, who peered at the Mexican food with a skeptical face. “Try it. You’ll like it.” He lowered his voice. “That goes for everything tonight, but call me if you change your mind. If not, I’ll talk to you in the morning, buddy.”

His brother nodded. “Sounds good.”

Then Kaitlyn entered the room again, barefoot. Zach fixed his stare on her. In that moment, Beck ceased to exist for his brother, so he let himself out of the apartment, grateful to the twins for helping Zach take the next big leap into the outside world.

Thankful that another grueling week of work was behind him, Beck pulled his Mercedes into the garage, gathered his purchases from the passenger’s seat, then headed for the door. It was Friday evening and he was no longer on call. Already cause for celebration, but he had another reason to be excited.

He might have found the solution to a nagging problem. Or he might be making a giant mistake.

Beck wasn’t sure which.

Dragging in a steadying breath, he stepped inside the house. A delicious, savory scent lured him to the kitchen. Lingering nearby, he found Seth in front of the island, cutting chunks of watermelon. Behind him at the stove, Heavenly stirred something mouthwatering, wearing a pale yellow sundress and absolutely nothing on her feet.

“The stroganoff is simmering. I hope it tastes as good as it smells.” She sounded uncertain.

“I’m sure it will be delicious,” Seth tossed over his shoulder.

“Fingers crossed. Trying new recipes off the internet is risky.” She gathered placemats and napkins, then piled them on the kitchen table. “So we’ll see.”

“If it doesn’t work out, no sweat. We can just have something delivered.” Seth prowled after her, a chunk of watermelon in hand. “Open up, angel.”

Obediently, she complied, her plump lips parting. Seth painted her bottom one with the melon before setting it on her pink tongue.

Closing her eyes, she moaned. “Hmm, that’s sweet.”

Seth licked up the juice dripping from her chin. “It is.”

Then he covered her lips with his own.

Watching intently, Beck crossed the room to them on silent footfalls and settled the grocery sack of items he’d bought on the corner of the kitchen island. “How sweet?”

They snapped apart, and Heavenly gasped as they zipped their stares in his direction.

She flashed a happy grin and hugged him. “Welcome home.”

“How sweet?” he repeated.

“Very,” she answered.

“Yeah? Let me taste.” Beck dipped his head and kissed her, savoring her sugary-stained mouth.

Seth washed and dried his hands, his lazy grin a greeting, before he sidled up to them, eyeing the grocery sack on the nearby island. “What’s all this?”

Reluctantly, Beck pulled away from Heavenly. “Just a few things to help celebrate some news I have.”

“What?” Cooper prompted. “Let’s hear it.”

Here goes nothing… “I signed up to attend a medical conference.”

“Where? Someplace awesome, like Hawaii?” Heavenly looked beyond excited by that possibility.

Beck winced. With everything happening these days, he and Seth had been shirking the vow they’d made to her dying father to show Heavenly the world. The PI’s grimace said he realized it, too.

“No. But if you’d like to go sometime, we’ll plan a vacation.”

“Really?” Her big eyes lit with thrill. “I would love that.”

“Then we’ll make it happen,” Seth promised.

“Definitely,” Beck seconded. “But the conference I registered to attend—and subsequently got wrangled into speaking at—is in New York.”

“My old stomping grounds.” Seth chuckled. “When?”

Now for the tricky part… “October second through fourth.”

Cooper arched his brows. “The same week Mom and Carl are getting married. Is that a coincidence?”

Beck didn’t pretend innocence. “No.”

The PI might reject his plan, but after he’d invited Heavenly to the wedding to meet the family, Beck had pictured her making inroads with the in-laws-to-be since there was no way Grace Cooper and Seth’s brothers wouldn’t love her. Then he’d visualized himself rattling around the house alone while the pair played in New York. And he’d hated that. So he’d begun to plot. If he was close by, maybe Seth would find some pretense to invite him, too?

Normally, Beck wouldn’t push himself on anyone, but this was their future. He didn’t want to be left out.


